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Learning & Recruitment Coordinator @ LINK group

LINK group is a multinational company with over 20 years of experience in the Education industry, specifically in offering courses and certifications in IT and modern business. We successfully fulfill our mission of helping people to become more successful in the areas of professional development, high school and higher education.

The company has successful local operations in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania and Moldova while its distance learning services bring together students from over 120 countries worldwide. 

The LINK group education system is composed of four educational institutions: BusinessAcademy, ITAcademy, Information Technology School (ITS) and Information Technology High School (ITHS), with its headquarters in Belgrade and an office in Novi Sad. Romanian institutions comprise LINK Academy and BusinessAcademy, with two schools in Bucharest and Timișoara, while the Bosnian center of business activity in is in Sarajevo. The Ukrainian and Moldavian offices are present in the capital cities of the 2 countries, namely Kiew and Chișinău.

LINK group holds partnerships with the world’s leading companies and received certifications from preeminent international institutions such as Cambridge International Examinations, Microsoft, Apple, Zend, Adobe, VUE, Prometric. Alongside these lies the accreditation from the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, the best confirmation of the top quality services offered by the company through all its organizational units.





Cum aplici?

  • Poți depune CV-ul, alături de câteva cuvinte, la adresa:;
  • Termenul limită pentru aplicare este vineri, 21.12.2017, ora 13:00.
  • Doar candidații care îndeplinesc cerințele de mai sus vor fi contactați;
  • Candidații contactați care nu cunosc informațiile din acest anunț nu vor avansa în etapa următoare.